RIVO: Intervention network for persons affected by organized violence
Thirty committed therapists.
A motivated multicultural team by social justice.
Hundreds of refugees and asylum-seekers helped each year.
Don au RIVO de Bell Cause pour la cause
Recrutement de nouveaux thérapeutes
(Myriam Vargas de Luna, psychologue clinicienne de RIVO)
Depuis 1993, le RIVO (Réseau d’intervention auprès des personnes ayant subi la violence organisée) s’est consacré à offrir la psychothérapie aux personnes réfugiées et en demande d’asile.
L’organisme communautaire montréalais est devenu un soutien indispensable pour traiter la souffrance psychologique des personnes qui arrivent au Québec et qui ont vécu des situations traumatiques et des trajectoires migratoires complexes.
Jusqu’à ce jour, le RIVO regroupe des psychologues et psychothérapeutes solidaires et engagés à accueillir des réalités humaines rudes et brutes comme les récits de la persécution et de la guerre. Ils et elles sont témoins de la nécessité de leur patient-e-s de se reconstruire en exil à la suite d’un déracinement abrupt et de leur volonté de recommencer une nouvelle vie avec la mémoire empreinte de deuils.
Sans se laisser écraser par le désespoir de l’histoire ancienne, la vulnérabilité du présent ou le futur incertain de sa clientèle, RIVO–résilience est également une équipe multidisciplinaire d’intervenant-e-s disposées à s’entre-soutenir avec bienveillance, c’est à dire, s’entraider et faire grandir l’humanité commune de tous les acteurs à travers le souci unanime du bien-être de la population desservie.
La migration semble avoir convié ce groupe multiculturel à repenser les notions parallèles de trauma et de résilience, ainsi que de stress et de croissance post traumatique. Ils-elles ont accepté l’invitation avec la certitude que leur labeur a du sens.
Le travail effectué ici nous rend sensibles aux aspects négatifs des logiques sociales et culturelles, relevant davantage du domaine de la justice sociale et des droits de la personne, logiques qui deviennent parfois des obstacles à l’enracinement dans la nouvelle société.
Ainsi, RIVO–résilience convoque les psychologues membres de l’Ordre des Psychologues du Québec et les psychothérapeutes détenteurs d’un permis délivré par cette Ordre à se rejoindre à nous, à participer à cette aventure humaine et clinique.
Nous vous invitons donc à consacrer 1, 2, 3 heures de votre pratique professionnelle hebdomadaire, que RIVO rémunérera de manière honorable, afin d’offrir de la psychothérapie aux personnes qui sont en demande d’asile et réfugiées.
Si vous souhaitez en connaître davantage sur notre organisme, nous vous invitons à contacter Myriam Vargas de Luna par courriel :
Elle se fera un plaisir de vous informer de ce que RIVO offre aux patient-e-s qui nous sont référé-e-s et aux psychothérapeutes qui les accueillent.
Ensemble en 2024
They have suffered torture, rape, or persecution because of their social or political involvement, or because of their sexual orientation or religion. Then, they found refuge with us in the hope of starting a new life.
Unfortunately, organized violence leaves scars: post-traumatic stress, nightmares, flashbacks, loss of trust in humanity, in everyone, including oneself...
Psychological support is the first step towards the well-being of these people and their integration into our society.
However, for the benefits of therapy to last, several dimensions must be taken into account, such as employment, housing, poverty, the education of children, or the simple need to talk to someone.
How can you learn a language in a few months or keep a job if you can't sleep at night and concentrate during the day? How to find your way through the bureaucracy and the shortcomings of the services offered? How to deal with isolation, indifference, discrimination? How can we succeed without the support of people who understand our experience?
Our approach is global, based on listening and support.
Our role is specialized, focused on victims of organized violence, but we collaborate with all organizations that meet the other needs of asylum seekers and refugees.
These people are among the most vulnerable people in our society.
They have shown unimaginable resilience.
They deserve better, and have a lot to offer us.
Our donors understand this and, thanks to their support
Thousands of them have found hope.
Thank you for supporting asylum seekers and refugees.
We help asylum seekers and refugees who have suffered organized violence.
- Therapeutic support
- Networking
We offer
a therapeutic support
We're also group interventions through craft activities, complementing the activities psychotherapeutic.
Psychosocial Interventions
Assessment and prioritization of the applications of psychotherapy. Orientation of individuals and families according to their needs, to community or institutional resources.
Individual psychotherapy (adults, adolescents, children) or group : a helping relationship; craft activities.
Massage therapy
Massage therapy for adults who have been affected by the violence, and who are referred by their therapist.
Training to stakeholders in community-based settings
and institutional
- Tailored Sessions, defined according to the needs of stakeholders, related to the trauma, torture or trauma secondary
- Support to stakeholders wishing to develop specific skills in the face of complex situations
- Workshops co-development
To refer to a.e client.e RIVO :
They have survived.
Production: Alex Margineanu
Sound: Stéphane Barsalou
Mounting: Emmanuelle Lane
Post-production: Post-Modern
Production: Alex Margineanu Sound: Stéphane Barsalou Mounting: Emmanuelle Lane Post-production: Post-Modern
Mounting: Emmanuelle Lane
Sound: Stéphane Barsalou
Production: Alex Margineanu
Post-production: Post-Modern
Directing and editing: Cyril Fish
With the collaboration of Yves Médam
Also read this testimony of Cyril Fish:
"It is a story that lasts ? It said to me bluntly : You know, they all do. "So I was warned.
Directing and editing: Cyril Fish
With the collaboration of Yves Médam
Directing and editing: Cyril Fish
With the collaboration of Yves Médam
Also read this testimony
What a joy to themselves and, more importantly, what wealth to work in a team with someone like Abdul! Thank you again to my coach!
Frequently asked questions
Our customers are in the vast majority of asylum-seekers and refugees. They have experienced or witnessed an act of violence, organized, and have significant symptoms of psychological distress. The person must be willing to talk to a mental health professional. Our services are also offered to loved ones.
Yes. The vast majority of our customers benefit from the interim federal health Program (IFHP). Donations from the public and other donors, we are able to offer therapies free people deeply marked by their experiences.
Below is our reference document. You can return via email or fax.
If it is a case covered by the totality of services provided by the interim federal health program (IFHP), including the sponsored refugees during their first year in Canada and asylum-seekers awaiting a status; please note the number IFH of the individual (the identity of its client – UCI), and provide a medical prescription for mentioning the detail of the symptoms. This means we will be funded for the follow-up by the IFH.
by fax: 514 552-9890
"Organized violence is the deliberate and systematic use of terror and brutality to control individuals, groups and communities. The use of overwhelming force leads to fear and a feeling of helplessness among the victims. Its methods result in the suffering and severe pain, the use of murder, intimidation, threats, and in some cases, the destruction of a community, ethnic group, or of the political opposition. Governments use military forces, police, and political organizations for the practice of organized violence. These groups can also act independently to persecute individuals, groups or communities. Opposition groups can also terrorize and brutalize the civilian population in order to gain power and causing fear and social disorder. "
Kane S. Working with victims of organized violence from different cultures. A Red Cross and Red Crescent Guide. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Geneva, Switzerland, 1995, p. 5 (translation made by the RIVO).
Contact us
- TEL. : +1 514 282-0661
- FAX : +1 514 552-9890